welcome to the home of all things dille!
please enjoy your time browsing!
for business inquiries, please contact me by e-mail.
hey! this site looks a lot different...looks a lot spiffier now, doesn't it? dig the new layout? i do myself!
anyhow, aside from the christmas theming, this is how the site is gonna look from now on! but dont fret, if you liked my older website layout, you can visit it any time! just look at the navigation sidebar to go back to the past!
hope you enjoy this big overhaul! i got some finals to work on, but ill update it again sometime soon!
i'm an easygoing artist/animator from the northeastern part of the united states. im a big animal lover, namely rodents and pinnipeds, and im also very nostalgic for the old internet. despite mostly being known on the internet for my characters and making funny drawings, ive also worked on fan projects and revivals such as The Spongy Construction Project and Club Penguin Journey.
when I'm not drawing, i like to play video games and watch nicktoons!